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(1983 James L Brooks) 50:-

originaltitel: Terms of Endearment

"Terms of Endearment" dazzled critics and audiences alike with its believable, insightful story of two captivating people, mother and daughter, unforgettably played Shirley MacLaine and Debra Winger.
Jack Nicholson turns in a great comic performance as MacLaine's neighbour, a boozy, womanizing former astronaut.
[Paramount]Region 2
Örnen har Landat
(1977 John Sturges) 50:-

originaltitel: The Eagle has Landed

A Nazi strike force plots to assassinate Winston Churchill while he is resting in a desolate Norfolk village. Colonel Radl masterminds the plot which, if successful, would change the outcome of the war. He enlists the help of Colonel Steiner and Liam Devlin. Disguised as Polish airmen, German paratroopers land in England. Radl's plan appear to be going smoothly until an unforeseeable incident exposed the Germans. But the kidnap continues and Steiner, Luger in hand, approaches the unmistakable figure of Churchill...
[Atlantic]Region 2
(1968 Brian G Hutton) 50:-

originaltitel: Where Eagles Dare

Allied agents stage a daring raid on a castle where the Nazis are holding American brigadier general George Carnaby prisoner... but that's not all that's really going on.
[Warner]Region 2